
Ridiculous: Obama Says Global Warming Conference Is A POWERFUL REBUKE to ISIS!

I think Obama might have entered into our weekly “what’s the stupidest thing said on Melissa Harris Perry’s show,” but his entry came out of left field!! While giving a joint press conference with the president of France, Obama pretended he was on a low-rated MSNBC show and made the stupidest comment I’ve heard in a while.

Watch the insanity below:

YES! He says that in order to rebuke ISIS, they’re going to have a GLOBAL WARMING conference!! It’s ISIS’ greatest fear!! They’re scurrying away in horror as we speak!!

Can you imagine the terror and panic in their ISIS camps as they behold the awful might of the United States anger manifested in a bunch of old white guys whining that it’s too cold outside!!

Dang, Obama isn’t messing around anymore! I say we have a Racial Disparity conference to destroy Boko Haram, and how about a Free Speech Get Together so that we can bring down North Korea once and for all!!


C’mon Internet, That Viral ‘But We Have Flowers’ Paris Video Is Stupid And You KNOW IT!