
SOOPERPODCAST #182: THE CHRISTMAS MEXTRAVAGANZA!! With Jessica Heddings And Matt Dawson!


This year’s star-studded Christmas Mextraganza is filled with so much that we actually had to shorten the podcast!! WOW!! With stud star Matt Dawson singing his holiday favorites!! And starlet Jessica Heddings describing how she caught a conniving commie council member!! ANd finally, el Soopermexicano sings his holiday favorites!! And a lot of rambling about the new Star Wars movie!! WOW!!!

UNbelievedible!!! You have to listen right now or maybe later when you have the chance!!!

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And if you want to see our new multi-million dollar commercial made with only the highest production values, here you go you lucky dogs!!!

Follow Hapax Legomenon!!

Don’t follow Matt Dawson, you’ll regret it:

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Read the stories  we talked about on this podcast here:

Opening song from Soundtrack to Idiocracy: Nuevos Tiempos by Pueblo Cafe

Now Available on Stitcher!!
